The calorie-rich comfort foods that keep us cozy in winter are a bad fit for hot summer days. You need something yummy and cool in temperature that prepares you for fun in the sun!
Organic snacking in summer is easy. Farmers markets are bursting with plentiful fruits and vegetables, and your typical health foods store will have nuts, seeds, and dried fruits for blending your own healthy trail mixes.

Freezer Treats (That Aren't Ice Cream)
When the thermometer rises, you naturally crave something frozen that will immediately draw down your core temperature. You may always want ice cream, but it's better to save all of that butterfat and sugar for special occasions.
Fortunately, fruit comes to the rescue. You can eat healthy while still getting a quick cool down from eating frozen fruit. You just need to make a trip to the produce section of a grocery store in Vancouver.
If you've got popsicle molds and sticks, you can prepare kiwi watermelon popsicles. You use layers of yogurt, watermelon, and kiwi to build freezer pops that look like watermelon slices.
As an alternative, any berry smoothie recipe can be poured into freezer pop molds and frozen.
For a low-effort treat this summer, pull grapes off of their stems and freeze them. Each frozen grape provides a cooling and hydrating snack.
No-Cooking Protein Snacks
Crisp and fresh fruits and vegetables are the crown princes of refreshing summer snacks, but sometimes you need some protein for all-day energy. Dipping them in nut butters or hummus adds protein while keeping your diet centered around minimally processed foods.
Nuts by themselves offer the easiest high-protein healthy snacks available at a health foods store. Almonds, walnuts, and pecans supply plant-based protein and fats. Keep bags of organic nuts handy at home or pack them for a hiking trip or midday snack at work.
You can make these crunchy powerhouses a more exciting snack by adding dried fruit, sunflower seeds, or coconut flakes. By mixing your own trail mix, you get to control the level of sugar and focus on your favourite items.
Turkey rollups present another high-protein snack that doesn't require turning on the oven. Select some high-quality turkey deli meat and wrap the slices around cheese and vegetables for a low-carb, well-balanced snack that will satisfy your cravings on many fronts.
Stock Up on Refreshing Summer Snacks
When you have healthy foods on hand, you'll overcome the temptation of processed snacks. Shop at our grocery store in Vancouver, Famous Foods, for fresh melons, berries, nuts and more, today